Postmodernism Is The Opiate To The Masses
Tuesday Feb.12 7:00 PM
Reality Isn’t What It Used To Be
Or Is It?
Speaker: Matt Marino
Philosopher, Pastor, Theologian
7:00 PM at Boise State’s ILC Rm 118 (Map)
Sponsored By: The Biblical Studies Center Student Organization
For Further Information Call 208.342.2182
There was a time when people believed in the
concept of objectivity, in reasonable certainty,
and that real progress was possible. But times
change. Modern thinkers and culture reacted
to the weaknesses of “modernism” with a
skepticism that is ironic, self-mocking, and
detached from culture and notions of progress.
Postmodernism has been called a worldview
that denies all worldviews, a conclusion that
there are no conclusions, no sharp distinctions,
no absolutes. “Truth” becomes what is true for
Art, and “texts” now have a multiplicity of
meanings, as much given by the reader as the
writer. Motives are suspect. Ideas are viewed
as quests for power. There are no universal
ideals, no absolutes for all societies and all
times, only changing values. Truth, justice
and democracy become mere words, devoid of
ultimate meaning.
Some say, “So what?” Does it matter? Historian
Arnold Toynbee suggested that: “…the
postmodern age would be the fourth and final
phase of Western history and one dominated by
anxiety, irrationalism and helplessness.”
Perhaps it matters more than we realize.