The 3rd annual spring break mission to Boise begins Friday night, March 20. We will spend 5 days (through Wednesday) serving the Boise community through various service projects, building relationships with the Karen (Burmese) refugee community in Boise, and having massive amounts of fun. We will spend the night at the Biblical Studies Center and use it as our home base. Service projects include helping feed the homeless, working with community organizations, and assisting at the home of elderly shut-ins. The 5 days will be an incredible spiritual experience as well as we will study, discuss, and pray together throughout the time.
If you can’t afford the $75, work with us to help fund-raise to cover expenses. Don’t let the cost keep you from coming.
Please fill out the form at this link (click here) to sign up.
Bring your contribution to the work on Friday.
What to expect: we will work hard and play hard. Everyone will be expected to join in with the team to work at the service projects and to help plan for the outreach events. Everyone will also be be expected to help prepare and clean up meals through the 5 days. As we serve, we become like Jesus. A servant’s heart and a good attitude are crucial. This sounds like a difficult thing, but it is part of what makes this experience both enjoyable and life changing.
Start Fri 3/20
7:00 PM
Fun night @ BSC.
Begin Forgotten God book together.
Sat 3/21
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Service project day 1 – John & Trish. Clean out and pack up as much as possible from their living room and spare bedroom. Prep spare bedroom for using as a storage room for Monday when the carpet is installed.
Evening hang out & fun @ the BSC.
Continue Forgotten God
Sun 3/22
9:00 AM hike of Table Rock
12:00 Hang with Boise’s homeless community
3:00 PM Karen church – bring instruments to play songs.
youth/college night with Karen church
Mon 3/23
8:30 AM Service project day 2 John & Trish
Carpet will be installed by Dillabaugh’s Flooring America in the late morning. We need to clear the room completely, remove the carpet, and thoroughly clean the floor.
Evening: Jam Session/worship with John and Trish. Bring your instruments and songs.
Tues 3/24
9:00-11:30 Service project. World Relief: cleaning windows, organizing their donation room.
2:00 Fun park day with Karen youth & college
7:30 Synergy @ the BSC
Wed 3/25
TBD – wrapping up service projects.
We will also plan something fun to wrap up the week like a visit to a hot springs.
Items to bring
Buy Forgotten God book (we will listen to the audio)
*Casual clothing for meeting with the Karen Church on Sunday afternoon
*Clothing for Saturday through Wednesday (check the weather)
* Hiking clothes and shoes
* Clothing for indoor & outdoor work
* Swimwear… just in case
* Sports clothing and tennis shoes
Personal Items
* Towel
* Personal items like Hair and Body Soap,
deodorant,Toothbrush & Paste, Hairbrush/Comb
* You know what you need…
* The rec will have some soap in the showers, but it isn’t great.
Sleeping bag, pillow, etc. air mattress.
* Guys will bunk in the BSC classroom and girls will be in the library.
* Bring the bedding you need.
Other Ideas
* Personal snackage!
* Cards
* Games: cards, board games, ect. (we have some at the center also)
* Work materials
pruning saw*
digging forks
leaf rakes
bow rakes
hand rakes
lawn mower
weed eater
post pounder*
garbage bags*
yard gloves
cleaning gloves
mask (cheap ones will be provided for those working on extracting the carpet)
cleaning supplies
Vacuum cleaner and shop vac.