Synergy Mountain Getaway Sept 27-29

A deeper relationship with God and significant friendships to keep us moving in the right direction in God’s Kingdom. That is what Synergy! is all about… and that is why we like times like this.

Take some time to get away from the city and enjoy time together in the mountains near Idaho City. The plan includes time for a deep spiritual focus, incredibly fun times together, and, if you have to, you can take down time for homework.

Our speaker is the director of Christian Relief Fund, who works to help orphans and assist in crises around the world.

Camp Ivy Dale is far enough into the mountains to get away from civilization and city lights, but close enough that you can be there in about an hour. Cabins and a rustic lodge provide plenty of comfort and a great Idaho mountain atmosphere.

Date: Starts Sept 27, Friday night through Sunday morning

Cost: $20 (some people have generously offered scholarships if you need it… don’t let cost keep you from coming!)
Details at this site:

Synergy! – community at the BSC

Synergy is a Jesus-following group of students and others around Boise State University.  We follow Jesus and look to the Bible as God’s word for purpose and guidance in life.

Tuesdays at 7:00 PM we get together
Location: Biblical Studies Center, 1025 Belmont (map)
Our Facebook group announces changes and special events. (click here)

Synergy: “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.” -Aristotle
As an identity for our group it means that together in Christian unity, as we join together in God’s Kingdom purposes as guided by the Holy Spirit, we are able to do more than if we all work alone.  “Synergy” is more what we hope God will accomplish in us than it is a name.  The group consists of people from many different Christian backgrounds who believe that Jesus is the Christ, that the Bible is God’s word, and that we need to live life by God’s guidance.  We also believe that it is important for you personally to study the Bible to see what it actually says and to base your life on the truth found there.

Why does “Synergy” exist?  Because God brought people together who want to serve God, teach others what it means to live for God, and be taught by God about how to live life.

Synergy started in 2006 when Marty and Nicki Tadman (Marty was one of the 2007 Fiesta Bowl football champs) obeyed God’s call on his life and established the group.  After Marty graduated, students continued to meet together and the group has continued.  Currently Monty & Mari Beth Moreland and John Moreland at The BSC help organize and teach.  There are many opportunities for students to take a leadership role, in our Tuesday meetings, in small groups, and more!

Pizza Party! Tues 8/27. Christian Campus Ministry “Orientation”… more fun than it sounds

You have been through orientation for school.  Now come find out what Christian campus ministries are doing around Boise State.

We have invited a representative from all Christian ministries that work around BSU to come tell you what they are up to for the semester.  We will also share a list of the groups with you and help you find a group that fits.

Also, immediately afterward, Synergy (the BSC student group – click for our facebook group) will have the first meeting of the semester and have some fun!

Tuesday, August 27 at 7:00 PM at the Biblical Studies Center, 1025 Belmont, Boise. click for a map
