2016 Spring Break Mission to Boise

The 4th annual spring break mission to Boise begins Friday night, March 18. We will spend 2 days (3 overnight) serving the Boise community through various service projects and having massive amounts of fun. We will spend the night at the Biblical Studies Center and use it as our home base. We will also have a spiritual focus to discuss, and pray together throughout our time together.

We ask that you donate to cover cost of food. Any remaining will be donated to Open Hand Combat for mentoring. Bring your contribution on Friday 3/18 .

What to expect: we will work hard and play hard. Everyone will be expected to join in with the team to work at the service projects and to help plan for outreach events. Everyone will also be be expected to help prepare and clean up meals throughout the weekend. As we serve, we become like Jesus. A servant’s heart and a good attitude are crucial. This sounds like a difficult thing, but it is part of what makes this experience both enjoyable and life changing.

Start Fri 3/18
7:00 PM
Fun night @ BSC.
Begin Basic series together.

Sat 3/19
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Service project day 1 – Work with Cosmo Zimick and Open Hand Combat to assist in cleaning and building projects, gain exposure to Cosmo’s mentoring program for possible ongoing support.
Afternoon – Project #2 TBD
Evening hang out & fun @ the BSC.
Practice jam session for our worship time at Garnet Assisted Living.
Continue Basic Series

Sun 3/20
10:00 AM Worship time with Garnet Assisted Living
Afternoon: hike of Table Rock, ultimate frisbee, etc.

Mon 3/21
Clean the BSC and pack up personal belongings.
You can plan something fun to wrap up the time together like a visit to a hot springs.

Items to bring

* Casual clothing, ready to play, kick-box, etc.
* Clothing for Sunday at the Assisted Living center
*  Hiking clothes and shoes
*  Clothing for indoor & outdoor work
*  Swimwear… just in case
*  Sports clothing and tennis shoes

Personal Items
* Towel
* Personal items like  Hair and Body Soap,
deodorant,Toothbrush & Paste, Hairbrush/Comb
*  You know what you need…
* The BSU Rec allows all participants to use the shower. They will have some soap in the showers, but it isn’t great.

Sleeping bag, pillow, etc.  air mattress.
* Guys will bunk in the BSC classroom and girls will be in the library.
* Bring the bedding you need.

Other Ideas
*  Personal snackage!
*  Cards
*  Games: cards, board games, etc.Spring Break 2015 Group