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The Abolition of Man

The first 3 Tuesday nights of Fall 2012 will focus on C.S. Lewis’ book, “The Abolition of Man”

8/28 @ 7:00 PM – Men Without Chests!  – AND Free Pizza!
9/4 @ 7:00 PM – The Way
9/11 @ 7:00 PM – Abolition of Man

The Abolition of Man is perhaps Lewis’ greatest work! For real… it’s that important! The book is a defense of objective values and natural law. It is very timely for anyone attending a university, planning to attend a university, or living within 6873.1 km of a university 🙂 So please mark the start of Fall Synergy on your Calendars and get ready for a great bible study and very insightful discussion of C.S. Lewis’ Abolition of Man.