Pizza Party! Tues 8/27. Christian Campus Ministry “Orientation”… more fun than it sounds

You have been through orientation for school.  Now come find out what Christian campus ministries are doing around Boise State.

We have invited a representative from all Christian ministries that work around BSU to come tell you what they are up to for the semester.  We will also share a list of the groups with you and help you find a group that fits.

Also, immediately afterward, Synergy (the BSC student group – click for our facebook group) will have the first meeting of the semester and have some fun!

Tuesday, August 27 at 7:00 PM at the Biblical Studies Center, 1025 Belmont, Boise. click for a map


Accredited College Classes – FREE TUITION for BSU Students!

The Biblical Studies Center offers classes for college credit in Biblical Studies.

If you are a student at Boise State University, you are offered a full tuition scholarship courtesy of generous donors.  To take the class for credit, a $10 per credit hour fee to OCU (our accreditation partner) is requested.  Auditing is free to college students and only $50 per course for others.  See our main web site for details.

We will not pressure you to join a church or convert to Christianity.

Click here to see classes or register now.

A Pint of Naturalism


A Pint of Naturalism: The hypocrisy of believing that nature is all there is, was, or ever will be.
This guest lecture is hosted by “Synergy”, also known as the Biblical Studies Center student organization.

Tuesday, April 9 at 7:00 PM in the Bishop Barnwell Room in the SUB at BSU.
Beverages and cookies will be served.  After the lecture there will be ample time for discussion and q & a.

This lecture is the 5th of 5 independent lectures in our “Ad Fontes” series for the 2012/13 school year… “To the source.”

Open to the public.Naturalism-AdFontes

Racism, Inc.

Racism, Inc.
and the First Man of the New Race

How government exploitation of race hinders the true celebration of differences
And the solution to conquering racism.

Tuesday, March 12
7:00 PM

Student Union Building, Bishop Barnwell Room
Boise State University

Sponsored by the Biblical Studies Center Student Organization

Racism, Inc.

Postmodernism: Opiate to the Masses

Postmodernism: Opiate to the Masses

Postmodernism Is The Opiate To The Masses

Tuesday Feb.12 7:00 PM

Reality Isn’t What It Used To Be
Or Is It?

Speaker: Matt Marino
Philosopher, Pastor, Theologian

7:00 PM at Boise State’s ILC Rm 118 (Map)

Sponsored By: The Biblical Studies Center Student Organization
For Further Information Call 208.342.2182


There was a time when people believed in the
concept of objectivity, in reasonable certainty,
and that real progress was possible. But times
change. Modern thinkers and culture reacted
to the weaknesses of “modernism” with a
skepticism that is ironic, self-mocking, and
detached from culture and notions of progress.

Postmodernism has been called a worldview
that denies all worldviews, a conclusion that
there are no conclusions, no sharp distinctions,
no absolutes. “Truth” becomes what is true for

Art, and “texts” now have a multiplicity of
meanings, as much given by the reader as the
writer. Motives are suspect. Ideas are viewed
as quests for power. There are no universal
ideals, no absolutes for all societies and all
times, only changing values. Truth, justice
and democracy become mere words, devoid of
ultimate meaning.

Some say, “So what?” Does it matter? Historian
Arnold Toynbee suggested that: “…the
postmodern age would be the fourth and final
phase of Western history and one dominated by
anxiety, irrationalism and helplessness.”

Perhaps it matters more than we realize.

Crazy Love

Synergy!  (the student organization of the BSC at BSU) is hosting a study of Crazy Love, a book by Francis Chan.


Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn’t working harder at a list of do’s and don’ts — it’s falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never be the same.

Tuesdays at 7:00 PM at the BSC, 1025 Belmont, 1 block South of Bronco Stadium.


More on Crazy Love:

Synergy! Mountain Getaway – Sept 21-23, 2012 – Only $20!

We had a great time!  Check out some photos at

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A deeper relationship with God and significant friendships to keep us moving in the right direction in God’s Kingdom. That is what Synergy! is all about… and that is why we like times like this.

Take some time to get away from the city and enjoy time together in the mountains near Idaho City. The plan includes time for a deep spiritual focus, incredibly fun times together, and, if you have to, you can take down time for homework.

Camp Ivy Dale is far enough into the mountains to get away from civilization and city lights, but close enough that you can be there in about an hour. Cabins and a rustic lodge provide plenty of comfort and a great Idaho mountain atmosphere. If you can help plan and prep, we would love to have some assistance!

Date: Starts Sept 21, Friday night through Sunday morning

Cost: $20 (some people have generously offered scholarships if you need it… don’t let cost keep you from coming!)
Details at this site: